
Toast is a small, nonblocking notification pop-up. A toast is shown to users with readable message content at the bottom of the screen or at a specific target and disappears automatically after a few seconds (time-out) or with a button.


Place ToastProvider at the root of the project.

Then use useToaster to get a toaster object with methods to create toasts.

import { useToaster } from "swash/Toast";
import { Button } from "swash/Button";

const toaster = useToaster();

() => (
    <div className="flex gap-2">
      <Button onClick={() => toaster.success("Subject created")}>
        onClick={() => toaster.danger("Creation of the subject has failed")}
      <Button onClick={() => toaster.warning("Warning")}>Danger</Button>
      <Button onClick={() =>"Info")}>Danger</Button>



You can customize the default options of the toaster object by passing a options object to the trigger function.

Options are:

  • level: The level of the toast. Can be critical, minor. Default is minor.
  • dismissDelay: The delay before the toast is dismissed. Default is 4000.
  • closable: If the toast is closable. Default is true.
  • action: A function that returns a React element. The element is displayed as a button in the toast. Default is undefined.
  • detail: A React element. The element is displayed as a detail in the toast. Default is undefined.
import { Button } from "swash/Button";
import { useToaster } from "swash/Toast";
import { AlertBubbleOutline } from "swash/icons";

const toaster = useToaster();

() => (
      onClick={() =>
        toaster.success("Subject created", {
          closable: true,
          dismissDelay: 10000,
          level: "critical",
          action: ({ buttonProps }) => (
            <Button {...buttonProps}>
              <AlertBubbleOutline />
          detail: (
            <div className="flex gap-2">
              <AlertBubbleOutline /> <span>Nice one</span>
      Customized toast